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PRIME subscription in the bot. Her bonuses, prices and information.


A PRIME subscription gives you access to JeggyBot's premium features for a very small monthly fee. By purchasing a subscription, you will receive not only bonus features, but also support the development of the project.

We will be incredibly grateful for your support ^.^



You can find all the features of PRIME subscription on website.

Here is a short list of bonuses:

  • High support priority and getting unique roles on support server
  • Reduced latency for all commands
  • Increasing the limits of some settings
  • The system for giving roles by clicking on the reactions
  • Mass adding and removal of roles from members or bots

And many other bonuses..

How to buy#

You can buy PRIME or Super PRIME subscription here. There is also all the information about the varieties and methods of payment.

Future bonuses#

You can see the list of future features below.

  • Musical possibilities
  • More bonus commands

This isn't the whole list, but just what we can tell everyone x)